September Network Update

Opentensor Foundation
3 min readSep 7, 2023


August 2023 was a notable month for Bittensor, marked by significant developments on various fronts, and September is shaping up to be equally, if not more, important as we prepare to release user-created subnets and unleash Bittensor to a broader audience.

Subnet 1 Performance Improvement

Subnet 1 experienced a fourfold performance boost over the last month. This was achieved by implementing Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), which enhances the network’s resistance to potential attacks. DPO enables dynamic adaptation and reinforcement learning in response to any adversarial efforts, thus the network can better defend against attacks going forward by adding a new model to the reward stack. The network is learning, over time, to address attacks efficiently and effectively.

Average miner performance on S1 quadrupled in August

Bittensor Charter

We have released a charter that outlines the principles and commitments of those who use Bittensor as a medium to access and incentivize the production of intelligence. The Charter reflects Bittensor’s devotion to opposing centralized control and encouraging decentralized decision-making through open-ownership, software development, and superior transparency. We believe together, we can shape an AI landscape that truly serves the collective interests of humanity.

You can view the full charter here

Community Efforts

Gate Listing

Out of an abundance of legal caution, the Opentensor Foundation will not directly engage with market-makers or exchanges. Thus, the community led an effort to get the TAO token listed on Gate. From raising the listing fee to coordinating with all necessary parties, we are proud to see a smooth launch of the token. Gate opens up another liquid venue for ecosystem participants to transact.

The Foundation has provided all requested data to both CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap in an effort to see Bittensor ranked. This should further increase our visibility as a prominent project in the AI/ML space.

Community Spaces

In August, we spoke live and answered community questions. We will continue to do this on a regular cadence.

  • Twitter Spaces 8/10/2023: Watch here
  • Discord Network Update / Growth Discussion 8/30/2023: Watch here

Official Sponsorship of HackMIT

We are pleased to announce our sponsorship of HackMIT, scheduled for September 16th to 17th in Cambridge, MA. This partnership aligns with our commitment to engage with emerging talent, introducing them to the potential of Bittensor and encouraging their participation in our open-source ecosystem. HackMIT offers a valuable platform to connect with young innovators, empowering brilliant minds to contribute to an open-source ecosystem that provide access to intelligence for all.

HackMIT represents Bittensor’s first ever participation at a college hackathon

Conference Circuit

  • Ala and James will be at Token2049 in Singapore next week (9/13–14) meeting with a variety of key stakeholders in the blockchain space
  • Jake will be speaking at Messari Mainnet (9/20–22) on a panel with Greg Osuri (Akash) and Illia Polosukhin (NEAR)

If you will be at either conference, please reach out. We would love to find time to connect with any and all of you.

User-created Subnets Set to Go Live

User-created subnets are set to launch on September 18th. This development will unlock creativity and innovation across the network by enabling developers to write their own incentive mechanisms. By incentivizing developers to create their own markets, Bittensor is positioning itself to become a one-stop-shop for those seeking all the necessary requirements for building unstoppable applications.

As an open-source developer, you now have the ability to write your own incentive mechanisms. By tapping into Bittensor’s network of intelligence, you can incentivize AI models from all over the world to perform tasks of your choosing (i.e., image generation, storage, compute access, etc.) — the possibilities are truly endless. The release of subnets offers the potential to pull these tools into a shared network, making all the ingredients necessary to create intelligence available within one network, governed by one token.

It is an incredibly exciting time for Bittensor, and we thank you for your continued support as we work to democratize access to intelligence.

